Native Instruments Kontakt 6 v6.2.1

Native Instruments Kontakt 5.8 Crack mac with keygen is an expert answer for modifying audio information within the consolation of your private home PC. Course of and restore audio samples, create grasp channels and sophisticated sample-based digital devices utilizing this sampler.

With KONTAKT 6, you can sound like a snare drum, a symphony orchestra, or anything in between, from a universe of sampled instruments. It’s a simple sampler when you want it to be, and a deep sonic scripting laboratory when you need something more. The next generation of the world’s favorite sampling platform gives you new instruments and new features under the hood – so you can layer, link, stretch, and shape your sounds any way you can imagine.
KONTAKT 6 introduces the KONTAKT Play Series: Sonically rich sample libraries that combine powerful sound design with simple playability. Each offers eight intelligently mapped macro knobs giving you a wide-sweeping, intuitive range of control. They all showcase KONTAKT’s new wavetable module, each offering two blendable sound sources and a unique take on a speciality style.
Iconic 20th century hardware synthesizers captured with an intricate level of detail, and creatively processed with seminal outboard effects. This hybrid analog/digital instrument utilizes blendable sound sources to deliver a modern take on classic electro and synthwave, which have seen a resurgence in recent cinema.
Hybrid organic/electronic instrument that takes myriad acoustic instruments from around the world, and combines it with digital synthesis, organic foley layers, and effects processing. The result fuses traditional and digital, with basses, strings (bowed and plucked), wind instruments, tuned percussion, bells/metals, pads/drones, leads, and textural ambiences.
A contemporary, creative, and ultimately new take on keys and piano sounds. HYBRID KEYS moves away from conventional sampling processes and instead focuses on inventive techniques such as re-amping, creative mic positioning in interesting spaces, and vari-speed experiments with tape.
KONTAKT has long since grown beyond its origins as a software sampler, and now provides a solid foundation for building advanced sample-based instruments. We’ve been supporting this platform, and the people who use it, with continuous updates to KONTAKT 5, and KONTAKT 6 builds on this strategy with some big additions for you builders out there.
  • Replika Delay: Based on the dedicated Native Instruments plug-in REPLIKA XT, it offers multiple delay modes, each with a vastly different sound character.
  • Room Reverb: A new high-quality algorithmic room reverb that offers options for real time modulation.
  • Hall Reverb: Another high-quality algorithmic reverb, tuned for hall sounds.
  • Plate Reverb: Emulates a plate reverberator for for classic vintage metallic sounds.
  • Cry Wah: Wah-wah effect module, based on the most popular wah pedal of all time.
The latest version of KONTAKT adds wavetable synthesis to the ever expanding KONTAKT toolset. All three of the new Play Series instruments incorporate this new module, and we’re looking forward to hearing what you create with this powerful new building block.
Creator Tools is a standalone application designed to improve the workflows of library builders and instrument creators. It consists of two elements: A Debugger, for identifying and fixing problems in KONTAKT script, and an Instrument Editor, which can load and run Lua scripts to automap samples, duplicate and batch rename groups, and copy settings from one part of an instrument to another.

What's New:

Version 6.2.0Native
  • ADDED There are now three new state of the art modulation effects (Choral, Flair & Phasis)
  • ADDED KSP: There is a new type of zone that can be created and is fully accessible from KSP, allowing for dynamic mapping of samples, including end-user ones (set_num_user_zones(), set_sample(), set_zone_par(), set_loop_par() & is_zone_empty())
  • ADDED KSP: All zone parameters can now be read from KSP (get_sample(), get_zone_par() & get_loop_par()); available for both user zones & standard ones
  • ADDED KSP: New MIR functions to detect pitch, RMS, peak level and loudness of any zone (user or standard)
  • ADDED KSP: New MIR functions to classify samples based on their audio characteristics (e.g., Kick, Snare, Choir, Synth, etc)
  • ADDED KSP: New UI widget (ui_mouse_area), this first iteration of which allows dropping files from the system to an instrument’s UI
  • ADDED KSP: New command to make handling asynchronous operations more convenient (wait_async())
  • IMPROVED An instrument can now be loaded with missing resources (samples, NKRs, etc) without the references being completely discarded, i.e., one can load an instrument, ignore missing samples, save it and reload it without losing data
  • ADDED A new entry in the Mapping Editor’s Edit menu allows for manually removing all zones with missing samples
  • IMPROVED KSP: purge_group() now returns an async ID, allowing for reliable tracking of the operations completion
  • IMPROVED There were some performance issues with instruments with many automation assignments when running in Logic
  • IMPROVED The scrolling and animation speed in the Libraries tab has been adjusted
  • FIXED There are no more conflicts between MIDI and Host automation in Logic
  • FIXED Kontakt would often crash when trying to run a Batch Resave operation
  • FIXED There were some audible clicks in certain cases involving looping samples played back with Time Machine Pro
  • FIXED Kontakt would crash when saving an NKI after assigning user automation to any of the recently added reverb and delay effects
  • FIXED KSP: Switches and menus would get stuck in their hover states under certain circumstances
  • FIXED KSP: In certain cases, when a control was within a panel, its position would be 1 pixel off of what was expected
  • FIXED Kontakt now works on Mac OS Catalina


  • Title: Native Instruments Kontakt 6 v6.2.1
  • Developer: Native Instruments
  • Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later, 64-bit processor
  • Language: English
  • Includes: K
  • Size: 693.8 MB
  • visit official website


Native Instruments Thrill KONTAKT WIN-MAC TORRENT…THRILL es una herramienta indispensable de composición para bandas sonoras de Cine, videojuegos, instalaciones sonoras o producciones teatrales. Su contenido original incluye grabaciones orquestales y diseño sonoro híbrido basado en ambientes, instrumentos creados a medida, voces, metal afinado, drones de sintetizador y mucho más. Los dos principales tipos de sonidos (atmósferas y grupos de tonos) se transforman y modulan mediante controles interactivos que crean capas intrincadas y ricas que evolucionan y aumentan de intensidad. Free photo editor for mac el capitan.

Crea tus propios conjuntos de sonidos combinando 963 sonidos de origen con efectos de modulación alterados mediante los controles X-Y, distintos modos de fusión, grupos personalizados o efectos de convolución. Personaliza cada detalle manualmente o utiliza la función de generación aleatoria. Después, toca y modula tus sonidos y descubre una forma totalmente nueva de diseñar y tocar texturas y crescendos cinemáticos.

El diseñador de grupos de THRILL ofrece un nivel de profundidad que nunca había estado disponible en un instrumento virtual. Hay más de 250 preajustes diversos y editables de grupos de sonidos y voces. Los grupos se pueden crear desde cero, con hasta ocho voces a intervalos definibles, ajuste preciso, posición estéreo y volumen. Usa el control X-Y para construir tu grupo en tiempo real y escoger entre tres modos dinámicos: Glide, Add-on y Parallel (deslizamiento, superposición y paralelo).

Native Instruments Thrill KONTAKT WIN-MAC TORRENT

  • Crea música en tiempo real con el control de tensión X-Y
  • 963 fuentes de sonidos orquestales e híbridos, listos para la producción
  • Diseña grupos de sonidos con una profundidad nunca vista
  • Librería para KONTAKT Windows o MacOS


An indispensable scoring tool for big-screen soundtracks, game scores, sound installations, or live theater productions, THRILL’s all-original content features orchestral recordings and hybrid sound-design based on ambiences, custom-built instruments, voices, pitched metal, synthesized drones, and more. Two main sound types – atmospheres and tone clusters – are morphed and modulated with hands-on control, creating rich intricate layers that evolve and increase in intensity.

Create your own sound sets by combining 963 source sounds with X-Y-controlled modulation effects, different blend modes, custom clusters, or effect convolution. Personalize every detail manually or use the randomize feature. Then perform and modulate your sounds and experience a completely new way to design and play cinematic textures and builds.

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THRILL’s cluster designer offers a level of depth never before available in a virtual instrument. There are 250+ diverse and editable cluster sound and voicing presets. Clusters can be built from scratch, with up to eight voices at definable intervals, fine-tune control, pan, and volume. Use the X-Y pad to build your cluster in real-time and choose from three dynamic modes – Glide, Add-on, and Parallel.

Native Instruments Thrill KONTAKT WIN-MAC TORRENT

  • Score in real-time with smart X-Y tension control
  • 963 production-ready orchestral and hybrid sound sources
  • Design clusters with unparalleled depth
  • KONTAKT Library for Windows and MacOSX

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