Years later, she helped Liberty Mutual Insurance to develop the home inventory app, one of many virtual tools to catalog your bricks-and-mortar.

Here's a test: Think about all the stuff you have at home. Now write it all down. Every. Single. Item. Impossible, right?

Unless you're like Monica Geller from Friends, you might not prioritize hyper-organization. But when the going gets rough — e.g., a house fire, robbery or natural disaster — you'll want to be prepared, at least to make an accurate insurance claim.

Plus, if you're in the midst of spring cleaning, it's the perfect opportunity to really take note of everything you own.

Last year, we saw Hurricane Sandywreck havoc across the East Coast. Even if you feel prepared for the worst with emergency apps, backup plans and homeowners or renters insurance, experts recommend having an accessible home inventory list, too.

“A lot of times when a disaster happens, people don’t have an inventory, and trying to reconstruct what you owned can be quite a challenge — you might overlook things,' says Andréa Basora, senior vice president of digital communications at the Insurance Information Institute. 'So you might end up getting less of a settlement than you would otherwise, because you just didn’t report everything.'

Gone are the days when you'd need file boxes full of instruction manuals, printed photos and receipts. Go digital.

Basora recommends downloading and using home inventory apps that let you input an item's details, such as a receipt copy, a picture, a description, how much it's worth, how much you paid and where you bought it. She also says to consider reliable storage for your digital home inventory (e.g., cloud storage). 'That’s going to be very important especially if a disaster occurs and all your stuff is destroyed. Make sure you have a way to get to it.'

SEE ALSO: 15 Items in Your House You Should Sell on Craigslist

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The co-founder of the Home Inventory App for Mac, Diane Hamilton, recommends avoiding stock photos and taking actual pictures of your belongings when creating your inventory. Hamilton also says an immediate benefit of creating an inventory is realizing how much all your things are worth, so you can get the right insurance coverage.

“It's so easy to be under-insured,' Hamilton says, adding that life changes and policy complexities make that easy to overlook.

Taking the time to inventory your things gives you 'peace of mind,' says Hamilton, and also prepares you for even minor disasters — if your washing machine overflows and causes water damage, for example.

Best home inventory software 2019

“It’s not something that you’ll probably sit down and do continuously for a few hours,' Hamilton says. 'You want to start with the basics; start with a picture and go through and do it room by room.”

Hoarders, take notice. Organizers, rejoice. Check out our gallery of home inventory apps (above) that make the process easier. You're more likely to get your money's worth from insurance claims, all while becoming a true organization guru.

Thumbnail image via iStockphoto, dem10.

Sounds good? Well it looks good too.

Home Inventory features

Keep your inventory organized

Keep all your household inventory beautifully organized and easily accessible. Store the inventory in its own file. Never miss a thing, specify all needed information about your items, such as price, model, reference number, date of purchase, and etc.

Encircle home inventory

Protect your vital data from others

Got some ultimate stuff which others should not see? Password protect them in a snap with this elegant catalog maker. It’s possible to password protect both the file and backup file. Protect what’s important to you!

Auto backup of all your data

Effortlessly move your files and data online. Choose which cloud service your prefer - Dropbox or iCloud Drive and create a shared folder on your computer to have all of your data automatically backed up.

Effortless and snap navigation

This home inventory software is easy to navigate. Find what you need within seconds. Navigate items by tags, locations, categories, or collections. There’s, of course, a possibility to check all your stuff in one big list.

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Easy custom reports generation

Get a full picture of your entire inventory, reveal if you’re over and under-insured. Generate and save your own custom reports to a PDF file or print. Create a checklist to ensure that all your stuff is moved from one home to another.

Create custom collections

Make your own collections. Specify the collections’ default category or location. Easily attach images to a collection. In general, this collections catalog lets you value collections from the collection value itself, by the sum of values of the entire collection, or taking both into account.

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