For the Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus I have to upload data to the 3D printer from a software called Arduino and then close it. Then I open Pronterface and put in the right port and baud rate that is in the Arduino files and then click 'connect'.

The guide assumes you will be using Marlin-AC firmware on your printer. You are also advised using Repetier-Host to manually control the printer.

1. Download and install Arduino IDE

This software is needed for flashing the firmware onto your printer.

  1. Go to
  2. Download and install the latest Arduino Software.

2. Download and install correct USB-drivers.

Available here: Link.

3. Download and configure the Marlin-AC firmware

  1. Go to
  2. Click 'Source code (zip)' on the latest version.
  3. Open the zip file and go inside the Marlin-AC-X.X.X-AC folder.
  4. Right click the folder called Marlin, choose copy.
  5. Paste the folder somewhere (not Program Files, to avoid write protection features of Windows).
  6. Browse your way into ..Marlinexample_configurationsdeltaFLSUNauto_calibrate
  7. Copy the two files from this folder (two configuration files), and put them into the root of the newly extracted Marlin folder (overwrite the existing ones).
  8. (Optional, but strongly recommended*) Now rename this Marlin folder to Marlin-AC-X.X.X-AC, with X replaced by the corresponding number for the version you're currently going to flash. In this folder, find the file called Marlin.ino. Rename it to Marlin-AC-X.X.X-AC.ino with X replaced by the corresponding number for the version you're currently going to flash.
  9. Start it (it should open in the Arduino software).
  10. Find and click on the Configuration.h tab.
  11. Depending on the kind of printer setup you have there are a couple of things you might want/need to edit in the Configuration.h:
  • Make sure your delta radius parameter is correct:
    #define DELTA_RADIUS 100.5
    Regular (180mm print bed diameter) version can keep the default value (101) to start with.
    Large (240mm print bed diameter) version has to be changed to 137.0 to begin with.
    Later on you can go back and change this value to the one provided by running G33.

  • Make sure your diagonal rod parameter is correct:
    #define DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD 218.0
    Regular (180mm print bed diameter) version can keep the default value (218.0).
    Large (240mm print bed diameter) version has to be changed to 267.0.

  • Do you have a heated bed? Find the line below and edit it accordingly.
    #define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 5
    0 = Heated bed off, 5 = Heated bed on.

  • Do you have the 'old' or the 'new' effector (check bottom of the page for link to 'new')? Find the lines below and edit them accordingly.
    #define Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true
    For new effector true, for old effector false.

  • If you have the 'new' effector, change #define DELTA_HEIGHT 295.00 to 315.00.

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  1. When done, make sure you choose (via Tools) Board: 'Arduino/Genuino MEGA or MEGA 2560' and Programmer: 'AVRISP mkII'.
  2. Select the correct COM port (assuming you have connected the printer via USB).
  3. Press upload (the -> arrow) and wait for the LCD-screen on your printer to show the coordinates switch between question marks and the axis letters (X, Y, Z).

*Explanation for step 8: After some time the latest updates of Marlin-AC will start to get overwhelming and in order to have control over your current working configuration you are advised to rename the folders according to the version numbers.

4. Download, install and configure 'Repetier-Host'

You can also use other software if you wish. This is just my advice.

  1. Go to
  2. Download and install Repetier-Host.
  3. Open Repetier-Host, go to Config -> Printer Settings -> Connection tab, and select the correct COM port to which your printer is connected.
  4. Make sure Baudrate is set to 250000.
  5. Go to the tab 'Printer Shape'.
  6. Select 'Rostock Printer (circular shape)'.
  7. Set 'Home X' and 'Home Y' to 0, while 'Home Z' has to be 'Max'.
  8. Set 'Printable Radius' to your printable radius. I use 80 mm for the regular version.
  9. Set 'Delta Height' to 310 mm for now (come back and adjust this value after you've calibrated the printer).
  10. Press OK.
  11. Connect to the printer (big button top left).
  12. Go to the tab 'Manual Control' (right side of the software).
  13. Send the G-codes (to activate the new firmware):

** IMPORTANT ** After flashing the firmware (now and in the future), do not forget to send the commands M502 and M500 if you want to overwrite the old EEPROM values with the new ones.
M502 loads values stored in firmware (configuration.h etc.) into RAM.
M500 stores RAM into EPPROM, overwriting the old.

That's it!

You can now continue to the next section: Calibrate your printer

The 'new' effector

If you want to print it, it's available here.

Empty for now.

Repetier-Firmware 1.0Dev- Anycubic Kossel[Linear]

Compilation instructions

Tested & compiled on an Arduino 2560 mega & Ramps 1.4

  1. Install Arduino IDEYou get the latest Arduino IDE here:

  2. Make sure the serial driver for your printer board is installed. The Arduino IDE contains signed driversfor the Arduino boards. Depending on your board you might need different drivers then these. For Linux and Macyou often do not need any additional drivers. Ask your printer/board vendor which driver you need,if that is not clear to you.

  3. Some boards that are not original arduino boards and not 100% compatible to them, need separate extensionsto the Arduino IDE. Install them.

  4. Start Arduino IDE and open the file 'Repetier.ino'

  5. Select the board and port for upload in the arduino ide.

  6. Check Configuration.h for hints, if something needs to be checked or modified.

  7. Upload the firmware with the upload button (right arrow in toolbar).

If you have a normal mega 2560 compatible board, you can use codeblocks for arduino instead of the arduino ide: the Repetier.cbp file instead of the ino file and start with 6.

HINT: It you have enabled eeprom support, the first upload will copy the configurations into the eeprom. Lateruploads will NOT overwrite these settings! Connect with Repetier-Host to your printer and open the eeprom editorto change these values. Alternatively, send the commandsM502M500to copy the new values in Configuration.h to eeprom.

Autobed level

This repository has support for the BL-Touch

See the BL Touch in action,Anycubic Kossel - BLTouch

To run Autobed leveling follow this z-probing guide by Repetier.

Anycubic Kossel Driver For Mac

Manual Calibration

Measure your Z height from the base of the bed to the tip of the hotend, set this your eeprom under Z Max Length. Save and rehome.

Then visit this website

Run a 7 point calibration and add the adjustment it calulates into your eeprom settings.

  • End stops = Tower X,Y,Z endstrop offset
  • Diagonal rod Length = Diagonal rod Length
  • Delta Radius = Horizontal Rod Radius a 0,0
  • Homed height = Z Max Length
  • Tower position angle corrections = Delta Radius A,B,C

Credit to Repetier for both awesome firmware and printer control.