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Using NVivo > About NVivo > What's new

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NVivo 12.6



REFI-QDA Standard project exchangeImprovements to REFI-QDA Standard project exchange. You can now import and export memo links and annotations, and export sets. See REFI-QDA Standard for project exchange.

Coding pictures and PDFs by region

Coordinates are shown when coding an image or coding by region in a PDF. Use the keyboard shortcut ⌘+OPTION+C to toggle this feature on or off.

List View

You can now view the number of items selected in the list view.

General enhancement and fixes
  • General security improvements.
  • General localization improvements.
  • Resolved: Various compatibility issues with MacOS 10.15 Catalina.

NVivo 12.5


REFI-QDA Standard project exchange

NVivo Mac now supports the REFI-QDA Standard allowing you to transfer projects between qualitative data analysis (QDA) software programs. See REFI-QDA Standard for project exchange.

Apple Touch Bar

NVivo now integrates with the Apple Touch Bar, showing some commonly used NVivo commands. Total annihilation kingdoms for mac.

Date/time shortcut

Added: keyboard shortcut to add the current date and time into text fields, instead of typing. See Keyboard shortcuts.

NVivo 12.4



The following areas now meet the minimum WCAG criteria for color contrast accessibility:

  • Coding Comparison Query
  • Coding context
  • Navigation view labels
  • Placeholder text used in various Detail views
General enhancements
  • General localization improvements.

NVivo 12.3


Users who rely on screen readers can now more easily navigate NVivo.

Screen readers (including VoiceOver) now identify the different parts of the NVivo work area including the Navigation View, Open Items list, List View, ribbon and context menus.

PDF content can now also be read by screen readers.

Language support

The interface (ribbon, menus and dialogs) is now available in Japanese.

Word frequency queries now detect Japanese semantic boundaries.

In addition, NVivo now provides default stop words for Japanese, which are used in the Word Frequency query. Text content language and stop words

If you want to display NVivo for Mac in a language other than English, you need to add the language to your preferred languages list in macOS System Preferences. Understand how interface language is determined

Matrix Coding query

You can now use the results of a Matrix Coding query to create a hierarchical node structure. Convert a node matrix into a node hierarchy

General enhancements
  • Added: You can access NVivo Transcription from the context menu.
  • Improved: You can now select and delete multiple transcript entries (using the keyboard and the mouse).
  • Improved: Classification terminology has been revised for French user interface.
  • Improved: Transcript entries exported from NVivo for Mac can now be imported.

For the full list of changes in this release, see the Release Notes.

NVivo 12.2

NVivo Transcription

NVivo Transcription is automated transcription service allowing you to transcribe audio and video files from NVivo. You create a myNVivo account, purchase credits, and upload your selected media files for transcription. Once they're transcribed, you can edit them and import them into your NVivo project.

NVivo Transcription will transcribe your files in approximately half the duration of the media file. Once transcribed, the transcripts will appear synchronized with your audio and video files, with time stamps. For more information, see NVivo Transcription.

Codebook formats and importing

A codebook is the backbone of your project. It lists the codes (themes/concepts) you are using to categorize your data—and includes the code descriptions. These descriptions make it easier for you or your team to take a consistent approach to coding.

The Codebook Exchange Format (.qdc) is a new standard for sharing codebooks between Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) tools.

You can import a codebook into NVivo as long as it is the .qdc format. Once the codes are in NVivo, you can apply them to your own research materials. Similarly, you can export your codebook from NVivo and import it into other QDA tools that support the new format, including NVivo 12 Windows.

This makes it easier to share your work across NVivo projects, and with colleagues who don't use NVivo. Export nodes

NOTE: There may be differences in how each QDA program handles the organization of codes and code colors.

Coding Comparison Queries with datasets

Coding Comparison Queries can now be generated for dataset sources. As with other coding comparison query sources, the degree of agreement between coders is measured through the calculation of percentage agreement and the Kappa coefficient. The calculations can be based on the comparison of characters, sentences, or paragraphs.

Add Attributes and Attribute Values to Concept Maps

Concept maps are a great way to explore or present the connections and relationships in your data. You can now add attributes and attribute values to your concept maps. From Edit mode, click Project Item and then Attributes and Attribute Values.. Then choose the Attribute or Attribute Value you want to add:


The new search feature locates items within your project. The Search field is in the top right-hand corner of the ribbon; type the name of the item you want to locate and the search results are displayed in the list view:

From the search results, you can open the item, get information on the item, or go to the enclosing folder. The project items you can search for are:

  • All types of sources including Memos, Externals, and Internals
  • All folders except system folders
  • Nodes
  • Cases
  • Classifications (all types)
  • Saved queries and saved query results
  • Sets
  • Node Matrices
  • Map types (concept maps, mind maps)

Matrix Coding Queries and Node Matrices columns

The column headers for Matrix Coding Query results and Node Matrices are now wrapped when first displayed, so that the full headings are shown:

You can also re-size all these columns at once by holding down the Option key when you adjust a column width:

General enhancement and fixes
  • Improved: When pasting shapes into Concept Maps using the context menu, the shapes are now positioned at the cursor and are in focus.
  • Improved: When coding using Drag and Drop, the mouse cursor now transitions to a hand to indicate when to begin dragging.
  • Resolved: Text copied and pasted from an MS Word document was appearing in NVivo as an image.

NVivo 12.1

Auto code by speakerUse auto coding to create cases for multiple speakers in a document.

During auto coding, NVivo:

  • Searches for the name at the start of each line in the document
  • Creates a case for each speaker
  • Automatically codes the response at the case

This feature is especially useful when you are working with focus groups and want to create a case for each participant. Talesrunner download mac.

Refer to Creating Cases Automatically for step-by-step instructions.

Expand View

Expand the Detail View to full screen for a clutter-free view of your files, query results and visualizations.

Expand View gives you more room to explore and helps you to focus on the content that matters.

In Expand View, you have access to the same features for coding and analyzing content as you would in normal Detail View—the only limitation being that you can't drag and drop items to and from List View. Customize the work area

Suggest a feature

What would make your NVivo life easier? Is there a way to enrich your analysis? Click the feedback icon at the top right of Detail View to post your suggestion on Canny (a feedback collection website).

Choose a simple sign-up option (like Facebook, Twitter or email) and search to see if someone else has already posed a similar suggestion. Vote for their idea or create your own—and keep track of progress via email.

The development team uses your valuable feedback to inform future improvements, so don't be shy about sharing.

Concept Maps

Concept maps are a great way to explore or present the connections and relationships in your data.

You can add shapes and connectors to consolidate your thinking, build theory or visualize the progress of your analysis. Concept maps

Coding context and spread coding options for datasets

When reviewing a node that contains content from datasets, you can now expand the coding context to see surrounding words, or the surrounding cell—you can also choose to spread the coding to this context.

Case and file attributes available in List View

You can now update case or file attributes in List View.

This makes it easier to set up or work with the demographic attributes of your cases:

And gives you central access to the descriptive or bibliographic details of your files:

Language support

NVivo speaks your language!

The interface (ribbon, menus and dialogs) is now available in English, French, German, and Spanish (Mexico).

If you want to display NVivo for Mac in a language other than English, you need to add the language to your preferred languages list in macOS System Preferences. Understand how interface language is determined

General enhancement and fixes

  • Improved: Automated download and installation of updates without leaving the application.
  • Improved: Mind maps have improved keyboard shortcuts, and the Options panel can now be hidden.
  • Improved: Node matrix and matrix coding query results can now be exported in CSV format.
  • Resolved: Non-English characters were being duplicated in memo and text documents.

NVivo 12

Crosstab queryThe new Crosstab query gives you a fast way to check how coding is distributed across the cases, or different types of cases, in your project.

For example, with just a few clicks you could check:

  • How often interview respondents refer to a particular topic or issue
  • How many interview respondents (with particular attributes) refer to a topic or theme

You can double-click the cells in the Crosstab to read the underlying qualitative responses.

You can also export the numerical data for further statistical analysis in specialized tools like SPSS.

While you can get similar results using a Matrix coding query, the Crosstab query

  • Is easier to setup and faster to run, even with large amounts of data
  • Lets you make comparisons using two attributes
  • Provides frequency totals for columns and rows
Export to SPSS formatYou can now export numerical data from NVivo into an SPSS data file (.sav).

For example, you could export a classification sheet or the results of a Crosstab query to an SPSS data file.

There is no need to edit the file before importing it into SPSS. You can open the file in SPSS and begin your statistical analysis right away.

Faster Start-upLoading projects and displaying project items is now faster and more efficient.

This enhanced performance is especially beneficial if you are working with large numbers of files, codes or cases.

Simplified terminologyNVivo terminology has been simplified to better reflect the research process:

You will notice the following changes in Navigation View:

  • Data is the new term to describe the source materials that you work with in NVivo.
  • Files is the new term for the documents, PDFs, datasets, pictures, videos or audios that you import into NVivo.
  • File Classifications describe your files, including bibliographical data for articles and books.
  • Codes is an umbrella term for different types of nodes.
Enhanced Navigation ViewNavigation View reflects the new terminology and provides faster access to your data.

Cases, classifications and attributes are more accessible and easier to work with:

Memos, annotations and memo links are centralized under Notes:

Queries, query results, node matrices and sets are organized under Search:

Code all the content in a PDF

You can now code the non-selectable regions of a PDF. This means you can code images, charts, tables, handwriting and other visual elements:

The ability to code regions is particularly useful if you work with digital versions of scanned files.

You can also use the Recognize Text feature to convert the words in a scanned image into codable text.

Visualize your data in chartsYou can now create charts to explore your coding or find patterns based on demographic attributes.

For example you could create a chart to:

Look for dominant themes in a coded interview transcript:

Or find patterns in coded content based on demographic attributes:

You can change the chart type or color scheme and export the chart for use in presentations, or copy it into an NVivo memo.

You can also double-click on the chart to access the qualitative data that supports it.

Manage your coding with a CodebookYou can create and export a list of all your codes and their descriptions:

This provides a useful way to:

  • Review the progress of your coding
  • Share your coding structure with colleagues
  • Ensure team members take a consistent approach to coding
  • Remind yourself which codes to use and when

General enhancement and fixes

  • Improved: The speed at which projects are loaded and project items are displayed.
  • Resolved: The inability to insert the date/time stamp into memos or text source.